Scoring Rules
Lighthouse Performance Score
Time To First Byte
up to 0.5s: +100 up to 0.75s: +50 above 1s: -50 above 1.25s: -100
First Contentful Paint
up to 1.5s: +50 above 4s: -25
Total Byte Weight
up to 1800KB: +50 above 4000KB: -25
Number of Requests
up to 150: +25 above 250: -25
Number of Fonts
Number of Javascripts
up to 10: +50 above 40: -25
Number of Stylesheets
Total Blocking Time
up to 0.07s: +50 above 0.2s: -25
Third Party Time
up to 0.2s: +50 above 0.5s: -25
Third Party Transfer Size
up to 400KB: +50 above 1500KB: -25
Vulnerable Javascript Libraries
if yes: -50
Lighthouse Best Practice Score
Uses CDN?
Lazy Load Images
Protect Admin URL?
if no: -25
Uses HTTP/2?
Is on HTTPS?
Redirects HTTP to HTTPS?
Exposes Server Software Version?
if yes: -25
Uses unsupported PHP Version?
if yes: -25
Lighthouse SEO Score
Lighthouse Accessibility Score
First Contentful Paint
First Input Delay
Interaction to Next Paint
Largest Contentful Paint
Cumulative Layout Shift