
How do we analyze your shop pages?
The moment you start the analysis we do run serveral checks in the background. Partly some well known 3rd party tools are used (eg. Google Lighthouse) and partly we do have our own cheks. The results are merged into one scoring value which is based on our long term ecommerce experience.


Why should I register?
As a registered user you will be able to keep the results of all your cheks in a history. So you may compare the different results all over the time and you wil be able to see if your score gets better or worse. In the future wo do plan some more features for registered users, eg. automated checks (once per day, week, month ...) and some more exciting stuff!


Why should I choose my industry?
As soon as we collected enough (anonymized) data we will give you the option to see the average and maximum Commerce-Score of your industry. This enables you to see where you are compared to you competitors.


What's so special with "Commerce-Score"?
Well, we do not just throw some numbers on you but we already sort out the meaning of theses numbers for you. If for example the analysis says that your shop does use 25 external fonts you probably will not know what this really means, do you? Our Commerce-Score already contains interpretation and evalutation of such result. Our Commerce-Score immediately tells you if you have a problem or not.


How can I improve my Commerce-Score?
At the results page you will find a link to detailed results and optimization tipps. There you will find a lot of hints for possible optimization actions you should consider. If you may not be able to solve these issues by yourself feel free to contact us. We have lots of contacts available to very well experienced ecommerce professionals and we very likely connect them to you.